In your site profile with SHE Media, in the Site Information tab, you'll see your Site Category listed. This is the main category that SHE Media will use to identify your site. We use these to determine ad placements and how we market your site to brands.
Our main categories are:
- Business
- DIY (Home, Garden, and Crafts)
- Entertainment
- Fashion/Beauty
- Food
- Health & Wellness
- Infertility
- Life
- Parenting
- Politics
- Sports
- Technology
- Travel
An important note: Infertility may seem like a niche topic, but it's an important distinction to be able to make in how we market a site. Sites that deal with a topic like Infertility need to make sure they're not included in typical parenting ad placements, out of sensitivity with the audience visiting that site.
How does SHE Media pick the category?
We do ask all sites to self identify as they come in, but our teams will often change it if we feel like your content skews a particular way. We've had plenty of people who said their site was a specific category, but they also wrote more about their children than anything else in the 90 day evaluation period. So we would change their category to parenting, rather than say, life.
What if I think SHE Media got it wrong? What if I'm changing my site's focus?
In either case, you would reach out to the support team so that we can take a look at your concern. We'll either explain why we picked the vertical we did, or let you know what the next steps are.
Because your site's main category can determine what kinds of ads you get, we would have to work with our ad operations and programmatic teams to make sure that you're in the appropriate categories. Sometimes they won't be able to make that change, but the SHE Media team will be able to explain why.
My site isn't just about one category, help!
Unfortunately we have to pick one main category. But SHE Media does have ways to help classify your site beyond the main category, so that we can make sure that we represent you properly. (Examples being that we break down Food blogs by type, but also recognize that some Travel sites might also be about Food. Or some Food sites might also cover Health/Wellness related topics)
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to the support team at
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