Optimizing your site is a vital thing to do - helping to cache elements, makes sure that your site hits all of Google's Core Web Vitals.
But over-optimization can be a problem. And optimizing SHE's ad code can also lead to problems too! (If you have any questions about speed and options for optimizing your site, reach out to our support team at support@shemedia.com and we're happy to help you)
NitroPack can be a huge problem - not only can you keep our ad code from working properly, but it can eat through your NitroPack data plan!
First, login to your dashboard at nitropack.io
Next, you'll want to click on the Settings icon (circled above)
We're going to exclude the two lines of JavaScript that SHE Media uses. (One of which you'll need to get from your site)
We've highlighted it in orange in our screenshot, but you'll want to toggle that switch so it's on, and then click Add an Exclude.
This is what your first one will look like. This exact line for the javascript.
The url is https://ads.blogherads.com/static/blogherads.js - this is the brain of our ad code.
Match the settings in the screenshot above.
Add another Exclude.
For this one, you'll want to right click on any page of your site, and select View Source. This will bring up the HTML code for your page. Search for blogherads in that page, you'll see the first javascript we put in, and then you'll see another path that ends in header.js
(That's the customizations for YOUR site)
You'll want to paste in the headers.js path for your site in the url field, and then copy the remaining settings. (The orange blocked out section is one of our team member's blogs in the network - yours will likely be much longer than hers is)
If you have any questions at all about these settings or speed questions about your site, reach out to our helpdesk at support@shemedia.com
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