SHE Media's code is compatible with nearly any platform, provided that you can access your <head> tag, and that you can upload a file to your root directory.
In your site's dashboard, you'll want to find out where you can insert code into the header, or where you can access that part of your template.
In our dashboard, you'll be able to copy/paste our header code (go to Site and Ads >> Your Ad Code and click on the section that says Ad Code. The first thing at the top will be our header code.
This must be installed between the <head></head> tags on your site. (If you're looking on your platform's support documents look for terms like code injection or installing ads. Often those guides will help you find where to paste this code)
The other element you'll need to be concerned about is our ads.txt file. You'll need to download it from the portal (go to Site and Ads >> Ads.txt) and right click on the link to download your file. You'll want to upload it to your root directory. Or, you can set up a 301 redirect from /ads.txt to the location that we store your ads.txt file at. (You can get that by right clicking on our download link and selecting copy url or copy link).
If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at!
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