Over the last couple of years, we've had a few changes (and so has our parent company) that have led to some emails not making it to our helpdesk. So we're here to help you get your tickets seen by our team.
1. Open a ticket in the Dashboard
This is the easiest way to make sure that we get your ticket. In your dashboard, there's a link to open a support ticket in the right hand menu. That will open a ticket directly through Zendesk (the engine that we currently use for our support desk).
You can even see previously opened tickets all in one section. You may need to login to Zendesk.
2. Email support@shemedia.zendesk.com
That's the direct email to the helpdesk. Support@shemedia.com will get you there, but there are sometimes additional filters that block things.
3. Do not reply to old tickets
We get a lot of publishers who reply to previous tickets, and instead of starting a new one. The problem with this is that some of you are responding to helpdesk tickets that were tied to Intercom - the previous vendor. It had its own email, and we can't forward from that, unfortunately. So if you're emailing on an old ticket, it is going into a deep black hole in cyberspace.
4. Do not embed images in the email
That's the biggest reason that we see that emails don't come through. Our parent company PMC has strict filters about policy, and when the emails come into our inbox before it forwards to Zendesk, it will ask us to approve you.
So the easiest way to make sure we see your emails is to not paste images directly into the email. Whether it's a screenshot or a pretty image that you have in your signature - that can cause the email to get stuck.
So delete those signatures, and include images as an attachment.
5. Add us to your contacts
Add support@shemedia.com and support@shemedia.zendesk.com to your contacts. This is important because you'll get a confirmation email when you open a ticket with us. Adding us to your contacts makes it more likely that you'll see that response in your inbox. But if you ever don't get a confirmation email when opening a ticket - go back through these steps and try it again.
If you follow these five steps, we'll be able to get your tickets and get to you as soon as possible.
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