We've received a number of concerned tickets from publishers, stating that there was no data from August 22 onward. In looking into this, it was clear that all publishers had logged in while we were in the process of updating our data. We had some small technical issues that caused this process to take longer than usual, but nothing that impacted your earnings.
SHE Media's reporting is not live data. Our data team takes the raw data from all the ad providers we would with and uploads it into our databases. They do this twice a day - once in the morning, and once at the close of business.
Our reports will still load during that time, so you can sometimes see missing days, lower revenue on a particular day because a provider hasn't been uploaded yet. We do recommend that you avoid looking at data around 9am and 5pm Eastern time. The time around that is when these reports run, if you look an hour after those times, it should be complete and everything should look as normal as possible.
We have put in a future improvement request with our engineers to have a banner display while these uploads are taking place, just to avoid these concerns - we're unsure when it will be able to be worked on.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us at support@shemedia.zendesk.com
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