Google sent out the following email to all individuals with a Google Ad Manager admin account. This is not an email that requires any action from Collective Members within Google Ad Manager - please read our notes after the body of the email to understand if any action is needed on your part.
On May 16, 2023, we announced that we will require partners using our publisher products — Google AdSense, Ad Manager, or AdMob — to use a certified CMP that integrates with IAB Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) when serving ads to users in the European Economic Area (EEA) or the UK. You can view a list of certified CMPs in our help center (Ad Manager, AdMob, AdSense).
In July, as a follow up, we announced that we will begin to apply this requirement on January 16, 2024. This email serves as a reminder of that approaching deadline.
Enforcement will begin January 16 on a small percentage of EEA and UK traffic, and will ramp up until we enforce across all EEA and UK traffic by end of February 2024. To ensure your monetization is not impacted, please have a certified CMP in place by January 16, 2024.
Once enforcement begins, if you send Google an ad request for EEA or UK traffic, and it does not use a TCF-certified CMP (Ad Manager, AdMob, AdSense), personalized and non-personalized ads will no longer be eligible to serve. Instead, only Limited ads will be eligible to serve on Ad Manager and AdMob, and no ads will serve on AdSense. As a reminder, Limited ads are significantly more restrictive than non-personalized ads. As such, relying solely on Limited ads will likely decrease your EEA and UK revenue.
We will continue to support your transition as you prepare for the new requirements. Please review our help center for further details (Ad Manager, AdMob, AdSense), including the full list of Google-certified CMPs.
Until next time,
The Google Ad Manager Team
What does this email mean? All sites that use Google Ad Products are required to have a TCF certified CMP (consent management platform) by January 16, 2024. (That's the framework required for GDPR, used by everyone in the ad pipeline to pass the appropriate signals along.)
If you are using SHE Media's provided GDPR CMP, you are set. We have been using a TCF certified CMP since GDPR was introduced, and we recently have updated to compliance for the new TCF v2.2 framework. As of 12.14.2023, we are currently using LiveRamp, though in the near future we will be transitioning to Google's CMP.
If you are using your own GDPR CMP, you will need to ensure that it is TCF v2.2 compliant. The easiest way to do that is to login to the dashboard, go to the Regulatory Compliance section. And if you've checked the box that you have your own CMP and don't wish to use ours, we are now asking you to pick the CMP from the list. Those are all the TCF certified CMPs with Google. Each CMP has an id that is passed in the framework, so it's important that you select your CMP - otherwise this will affect your revenue.
If your CMP is not on the list, you will need to reach out to the CMP's team to ask if they plan on getting certified. You can always uncheck the box and use our CMP for the time being.
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